Forming: In the forming stage, team members are introduced to each other and begin to establish relationships. This stage is characterized by a sense of uncertainty and politeness as team members get to know each other and start to understand the goals and objectives of the team.
Storming: In the storming stage, team members may begin to experience conflict as they work through different ideas and approaches. This stage is often marked by disagreements and tensions as team members establish their roles within the group.
Norming: In the norming stage, team members begin to develop a sense of cohesion and agreement as they work towards a common goal. This stage is characterized by increased communication and collaboration, as well as a sense of shared purpose and direction.
Performing: In the performing stage, the team is fully functional and able to work together effectively to achieve their goals. This stage is characterized by a high level of trust, mutual respect, and a focus on achieving results.
Adjourning: When it comes to adjourning, there are different factors that come into play depending on the team’s dynamic. If the team is made up of individuals from the same organization but different departments, it’s important to have a process in place to ensure a smooth transition from group to individual responsibilities. This includes making sure everyone knows what their new obligations are and that the transfer of knowledge and responsibilities is clear. On the other hand, if the team is comprised of individuals who are leaving and won’t see each other again, the team leader can help with the departure and rebuilding of new teams. This means starting the process over again, if needed.
It’s important for teams to work through each of these stages in order to become fully functional and effective.
The following video outlines the five key stages of team development:
[The Right Questions]. (2022, June 19). The 5 Stages of Team Development [Video]. Youtube.
Understanding these stages can help team members and leaders anticipate challenges and work through them more effectively. Additionally, it’s important for teams to continually assess their performance and make adjustments as needed to ensure they are achieving their goals.