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Make a lasting impact today. Make education and employment opportunities accessible to all. Join us in creating a more equitable and prosperous future for marginalized Canadians.


Thank you for being a part of our journey to change lives, one opportunity at a time.

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Empowering Marginalized Canadians Through Free Education for Employment Opportunities.

Unlock Opportunities for Marginalized Canadians: Your Chance to Make a Difference

Free Learn Canada (FLC) is dedicated to advancing education and expanding employment opportunities for marginalized groups in Canada. We believe that every individual, regardless of their background, deserves a fair chance to succeed in life.


Your Support, Will Change Their Future

Free Learn Canada is committed to transforming lives through education and employment. With your generous donation, you have the power to make a profound impact on the lives of marginalized Canadians. We invite you to be a catalyst for change and empower these individuals to achieve their dreams.

Here is how your donation will help others:

You will help bright and motivated students from marginalized backgrounds access higher education by contributing to our scholarship programs. Your donation can provide them with the resources they need to excel.

You will empower individuals with hands-on skills and knowledge by supporting vocational training programs. Your contribution can pave the way for careers in high-demand industries.

You will give the gift of career opportunities by funding our job placement services. Your support will directly assist marginalized individuals in finding meaningful employment.

You will ensure that learning is accessible to all with your donation towards educational materials and resources. Your contribution can create a world of knowledge and possibilities.

You will help us nurture future leaders by contributing to mentorship and career counseling programs. Your support will guide individuals on their path to success.

You will help bridge the digital divide by providing technology access to those who need it most. Your donation can supply laptops, internet connectivity, and software for education and job searching.

Get a Charitable Tax Receipt Today.

Heres how your donation helps disadvantaged Canadians gain new opportunities.

Three Leadership habits that create a high-performing culture

Help us, help others.
Be the changemaker.

Your generosity has the potential to transform lives and communities. By supporting our initiatives, you become a changemaker, breaking down barriers and creating a brighter future for marginalized Canadians.


Join Us in Our Mission

Your support, combined with our dedication, can bring about real change. Together, we can unlock opportunities and empower marginalized individuals to reach their full potential.

Reviews from our Learners

I am a newcomer to Canada. I have no income yet. I have 3 children and my oldest son has cerebral palsy, seizure disorder, Epilepsy and swallowing dysfunction. For sure these certifications will help me for my job search and placement. Once again thank you very much for the opportunity.
2023 Participant
"... I have two young children, I am in a relationship that prevents me from participating in in-class learning. I am seeking to start a new life for my children, your program has allowed me to learn and gain the skills discreetly and add to my resume to make me employable so we can start a new life... Thank-you”
Jane Doe (Name protected)

Free Learn Canada (FLC) has been a proud partner of The Royal Alberta College (RAC), RAC is a not-for-profit entity that shares the values of providing open education for the betterment of Canadian society. Through this partnership RAC and FLC have engaged over 1.2M individuals across Canada, gaining an overwhelming positive presence and have empowered vulnerable segments of Canada’s population with opportunities to obtain free quality education leading to employment.